(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs. · Current events of national and international importance · History of India and Indian national movement · Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world · Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc. · Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc. · General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization · General science. (Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs · Comprehension · Interpersonal skills including communication skills · Logical reasoning and analytical ability · Decision making and problem solving · General mental ability · Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level) · English language comprehension skills (Class X level) PART-B: MAINS EXAMINATION
1. Indian History - India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra; NCERT Books ( XI & XII )
2. Geography - Spectrum 3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi 4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan 5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide 6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal 7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapers
i. The Hindu/The Times of India
ii. Frontline iii. Civil Service Chronicle iv. Chanakya v. Competition WIZARD vi. Civil Services Today
8. Guides
1. Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Spectrum 3. Unique
Topic Wise Reference On General Studies
Books on Indian History & Culture:
NCERT (+ 2 level) — Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India. Publication Division : Gazetteer of India (Vol 2 : History & Culture) Gandhi Nehru Tagore & Ambedkar — Gopal Krishna Bipin Chandra - Modern India A.C.Banerjee - History of Modern India Raghavan Aiyer — Mahatma Gandhi Books on Geography: NCERT : Physical Geography of India for X - XII Std A Good School Atlas Sharma & Cotinho : Economic and Commercial Geography of India. Khullar : India- A Comprehnsive Geography Charles Farro : General Principles of World Geography Charles Farro : Monsoon Asia Reports published by Centre for Science and Enviornment And Tata Energy Research Institute National journal - Kurukshetra, Yojana etc. Down to earth Books on Indian Economy: NCERT (+1 level)—Evolution of Indian Economy(I C Dhingra). Mishra & Puri or Dutt & Sundaram - Indian Economy Economic Survey The Economic Times,Business Standard Yojana Books on Social and National Issues : Social Problem - Ram Ahuja Social Welfare Magazine - Published by ministry of social welfare Yojana/Kurukshetra IIPa Journal Books on Indian Polity: NCERT (+1 level)—Indian Political System N.L. Madan : Bhartiya Rajya Vyavastha D.D. Basu—Indian Constitution Kashyap—Constitution of India Publication Division—Subhash C. Kashyap : Our Parliament P.M. Bakshi—Indian Constitution Our Constitution : Subhash C. kashyap Perspective on Constitution : S.C. Kashyap Frontline Magazine IIPa Journal Books on Science & Technology: NCERT : (10 level) : Science, (+2 level) : Biology. Popular Science Series (CSIR) Reports Of the Ministry of Science and Technology Yojana Science Reporter Science and Technology in India - Spectrum
Books on Statistics:
(NCERT +1 level) Elementary Statistics S.C.Gupta : Statistical Methods Books on India and the World : Journal of peace Studies World Focus Strategic Analysis South Asian Journal Other Books for General Studies: 1. India Year Book latest 2. One competitive Magazine 3. Guides like Tata Mc Graw Hill, |
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How to prepare for Prelims?
The areas to be covered are the history from ancient to modern period.
The basic understanding can be obtained from below 10th NCERT books.
The focus should be on modern Indian history, which is covered in the mains.
The basic knowledge in Ancient India and Medieval India is sufficient.
The NCERT books (Class XI and XII) are good enough for the purpose.
You can refer following books
• Ancient India , NCERT Class XI
• Medieval India , NCERT Class XI
• Modern India , NCERT Class XII
• Modern India, Spectrum publications
The Constitution and various related aspects should be done well.
Some articles and facts should be memorised.
It is better to prepare this area well since it will be helpful in mains and interview.
Books to Refer:
The Indian Polity by Lakshmikanth and NCERT books are sufficient.
Also refer, DD Basu, The constitution of India
For Indian Geography
• Physical Geography of India, NCERT Class XI
• Land and People, NCERT Class XI
For World Geography
• General Studies Manual by TMH or Spectrum Publications.
For Both Indian and World Geography, follow Prelims issues by Civil Services
Chronicle Magazine or Competition Wizard Magazine.
The basic concepts are being asked along with current affairs based questions.
The basic clarity can be obtained from the standard books.
The current affairs can be studied from Economic Survey and the newspapers.
Suggested Reading:
• Economic Survey
• Dutt & Sundaram or Mishra & Puri or IC Dhingra
Some times the questions are asked very difficult that even science students find it difficult to answer.
But the preparation should be in such a way that all the basic questions can be done correctly.
The questions are also asked in applications orientation.
Suggested Reading:
• Science and Technology, NCERT Class IX & X
• What, Why & How books by CSIR.
Mental Ability
This Section is newly introduced which is called PAPER - II.
The topics involved in this section are
- Comprehension
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Decision-making and problem solving
- General mental ability
- Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level),
- Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. - Class X level)
- English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level).
So, be good at basics on all these topics.
Refer books on CAT exam or Bank PO Exams.
The Sample Questions in these Section is like this
Current Affairs
This has become a very important component. It also a scoring part for the Exam.
The preparation should be continuous from the sources given in mains strategy.
The notes should be focused on the factual aspects that come in the news.
Many questions are asked from this area, so prepare thoroughly.
The efforts will be useful for all stages of the exam.
It should become a part of your daily routine.
Suggested Reading:
• The Hindu News paper
• Frontline Magazine
• Yojana Magazine
• Competition Wizard or Spectrum Issue on Current Affairs – This is just to make sure that you have covered all the current affairs issues in News Paper.
General Knowledge
Quite a few questions are asked from this area. Some difficult questions are also asked.
Do not spend too much time in memorizing unnecessary facts. You should have a broad awareness about various fields.
At the same time, focus more on areas, which have been asked in the past.
India Year Book - This is important for the prelims and also for some mains two mark questions. But do not read every thing given in the book, be logical and concentrate on the basics, which can be asked in the exam.
You should prepare notes on the various terms that are given in the book.
Do not focus too much on unnecessary facts given in the book.
Manorama Year book - This book should also be taken as reference.
For the GS prelims, if you want a compilation of all material at one point then can refer some standard guide like TMH.
But do not ignore the NCERT and other books since they give better clarity.
6:17 PM |
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Comments (1)
very useful post thank you :)